The Official Music Video for "Mean wit it"
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Whatever happened to reading?
From Sullivan:
"When I was a boy, the bestselling books were often the books that were on your piano teacher's shelf. I mean, Steinbeck, Hemingway, some Faulkner. Faulkner actually had, considering how hard he is to read and how drastic the experiments are, quite a middle-class readership. But certainly someone like Steinbeck was a bestseller as well as a Nobel Prize-winning author of high intent. You don't feel that now. I don't feel that we have the merger of serious and pop -- it's gone, dissolving. Tastes have coarsened. People read less, they're less comfortable with the written word. They're less comfortable with novels. They don't have a backward frame of reference that would enable them to appreciate things like irony and allusions. It's sad. It's momentarily uphill, I would say."
That void "serious+pop" that's in music too though. Wonder who we're gonna get to handle that? (Scratches head.)
"When I was a boy, the bestselling books were often the books that were on your piano teacher's shelf. I mean, Steinbeck, Hemingway, some Faulkner. Faulkner actually had, considering how hard he is to read and how drastic the experiments are, quite a middle-class readership. But certainly someone like Steinbeck was a bestseller as well as a Nobel Prize-winning author of high intent. You don't feel that now. I don't feel that we have the merger of serious and pop -- it's gone, dissolving. Tastes have coarsened. People read less, they're less comfortable with the written word. They're less comfortable with novels. They don't have a backward frame of reference that would enable them to appreciate things like irony and allusions. It's sad. It's momentarily uphill, I would say."
That void "serious+pop" that's in music too though. Wonder who we're gonna get to handle that? (Scratches head.)
I started a joke........
This is one of the saddest songs I've heard but I dig it. I would've just posted the song but I couldn't find it except for this Final Fantasy video someone made. I heard the song in Zoolander and looked it up. It's origanly a Bee Gee's song but I like this version by The Wallflowers better. I sometimes feel like the words to the song, favorite line is "then I finally died, which started the whole world living." In unrelated news, I think I'm slowly getting inspired to write something, more than lyrics, like a short story or a long one. All I have is the title in my head but that's enough to do something with. I'll probably start it once I give you guys this music I've been holding back. It's gonna be called "If this city slept"......Oh! and I just got the finished version of the mean wit it video. 09 is mine.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Let me break down the reason why this is important. This his first sit down address since assuming the presidency. The fact that it is displayed in arabic is huge. Minimal effort for maximum impact, it shows respect. Also, Obama stating his muslim experience and up front honesty about the future of all the nations involved. If we are to come out on the other side of this war alive, this is a good first step.
Something worth reading......
Monday, January 26, 2009
Ok, I gotta let you hear this before the rest do........

JDP + Adam Tensta = Circa 87'
I'm holding this back for a minute but as you can see people are already on it. I figured since you guys are family anyway I had to let you get ahold of it. Yessssir.
Pennies on the ground....
Man, I've been waiting on this vid for a minute. I think this is my favorite Cool Kids song man. Chuck snapped on the beat and Mickey killed his verse. This ish goes hard and so does the video. Chi-town stand up. Yes.
Lmao!!!! Ye is that dude man.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Just finished watching.......
Notorious. I know the plot already, just wanted to see if they did the story justice. They did. This is for the memories.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Losing my mind........
Lonnie put me on this joint. I've been blasting it non-stop since I heard it. Current song of the moment because I feel just like him.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
We fight.......
Q-Tip "We Love/We Hate"
If you slept on this album......Kill yoself. Lol. Harsh. But if your looking for a reason to believe in Hip Hop, go cop it.
My President is.......
So this was it. The day we've been waiting for since we heard he wanted to run. I know you saw it and if you haven't you will because this moment, is as great a moment we will come to see. Our generation is the one. The chosen, the ones who pick up the torch our parents and grandparents left us. Our country is f'd up. I could go into details but we've all heard them too many times, our country is f'd up. The past decade we've all spent with a shitty look on our faces, knowing every new news story was going to make us cringe. I voted for Obama not just because he was black, its not that easy. America wouldn't have just given him the reigns just because he's black. I voted because I believe in his vision, because it is the same one that most of us want to have about our country, because I believe he is the leadership we need to head into the future, because I believe we will have a better chance at succeeding with someone who actually cares sitting in the bosses chair. Because he's black, that just adds icing to the cake. This moment is historic, legendary, unbelievable, great. He's been hyped up to the moon but I think he's one of those rare individuals that can live up to it. Being realistic, we all know that tomorrow will not hold a refund check for the last 8 years and Osama Bin Ladden won't be caught and terror abolished next week. But the difference is we have someone who is smart enough to figure out how to get there. When I was young, they use to say "you can be whatever you want, you can be president of the united states" that statement was never realistic to me. When I tell my children, years from now they can be the president of the united states, they'll be able to believe me. Tell me you don't at least feel better knowing that this day in 2009. History was made. Things are going to change. I'm proud to say my president is black.....
Friday, January 16, 2009
I need this......
Musical Pop Art.......
I copped Lady Gaga's "The Fame" after I heard Let's Dance because I thought it was one of the dopest pop song I had heard in a while. I checked her out and fell in luv with what she stood for and how she delivered her art. This mini-movie is pretty sick and features samples of her four singles for the album. Like this is pop as art. The music is catchy, commercial, makes you want to move but the images and shots don't deliver it in a stereotyped way but in a way that showcases the artist's creativity. Idk, I dig it. Sue me.
2 of my favorite artists........
Ryan Leslie x Kid Cudi @ studio from Vernonmac on Vimeo.
Kid Cudi x Ryan Leslie.
Copping Cudi' album. Yes
Continuing to wait for Ryan Leslie's. Yes
Mean wit it video shoot.
Just some behind the scenes footage, working on the video, having a good time while doing it. Shout out to The Rocket Boys man because they def came through and surprised me.
Party Life......

So 2morro is saturday. 2morro is a return to "normal" chicago winter weather. 2MORRO, is also the day JDP, T & Lon have a party at their crib. Lol for me speaking in 3rd person but, it is what it is. The party is DEF byob as well as byow. We're gonna have some their but if you party like I party your probably gonna wanna be getting f'd up like I. Of course I know many of you probably got other plans but if you want to chill with 4 floors and some cool individuals email ya boy. Cause we gonna be in thr like
"Blame it remix" ft Busta, Wayne, T-Pain
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Beautiful Music.........
My homie Lonnie had the "sade live" dvd and let me borrow it. I've always loved Sade but her music to me has always been background, not really something you sit and focus on. But this song, especially this performance is amazing. I remember sampling "pearls" back when I was producing for one of my friends. Even then I knew the song was good. But I just think this is a great song and she's beautiful when she performs it....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
16 things you didn't know about me..........
1. I find random shit funny as hell. The little things more often than the obvious. I also tend to laugh at the things your not suppose to. those "your going to hell" things, can't help it. I find it funny.
2. My favorite movie is crash, everything about it is sick to me.
3. I am my mothers son and my sisters older brother. I hold both of those positions in the highest esteem.
4. In my past life I might've been a porn star. or a pharaoh
5. in related news. I love. love. love. women. all of them. I was raised to love and appreciate them. Unfortunately its the kinda of love that keeps me out rather then at home.
6. I love lamp. lol no, I love art. All of its forms. My mother use to dance and sing and my grandmother use to and still does photography, sculpting and painting. I wish I could draw but I can't so to make up for it I do everything else. I was suppose to go to columbia for theater because I use to act seriously but I love making music more.
7. I'll try any food once, unless it obviously gross on some fear factor ish.
8. I dig what makes people/things different more than what makes them the same.
9. I am a writer at heart, like I was writing short stories and poems since I was 10. It's what I love to do. When I started rapping it was really just combing my love of writing with my love of music and performing.
10. I have forever had this feeling like I'm going to have an impact on the world somehow. Leave my mark, meant for something great that type of thing. Because of it I'm very confident in myself and my abilities. People often come @ me mistaking this as "I'm on some stuck up sht" but I'm really not, I just feel like I'm meant to do some great things and make an impact and I can't for the life of me figure out why you don't feel the same about yourself.
11. in related news, I'm not that talkitive when I first meet people, I guess I prefer to listen and see what they're about before I let them get to know me. Again I get the "stuck up ish" because I don't go out of my way to make you like me. If your worth getting to know I'll get to know you, then you find out I'm just a chill goof.
12. I think grey goose will be the death of me.
13. I can be great conversation if I like the topic. I can be the best sex. But I can't be a boyfriend. I've come to find that I'm just not a relationship type of person. Everything could be great until I actually make things official then things go downhill, think: Ricky Bobby's dad in talledega nights, just doesn't work. and I've yet to meet a girl who makes me think that it can.
14. I can either be the kindest, most humble, open person you've ever met or I can be the most arrogant, cold hearted jerk. It depends on the person and our history. If you end up on the latter don't expect the former anytime soon because that part of me just doesn't care or give a fuck about you. on the other hand, I am genuinly a nice person so most people who really know me have only know the good half.
15. I'm anti-bullshit. I don't participate nor do I condone. If that's what you bring to the table you just ain't sitting at mine.
16. here's something you didn't know......
ummm, yea, how's that?
oh yea because it is my blog, here's 17.
I just heat lykke li's "Little bit" and it is my song of the moment. Yes, I'm late, but act like I care....
2. My favorite movie is crash, everything about it is sick to me.
3. I am my mothers son and my sisters older brother. I hold both of those positions in the highest esteem.
4. In my past life I might've been a porn star. or a pharaoh
5. in related news. I love. love. love. women. all of them. I was raised to love and appreciate them. Unfortunately its the kinda of love that keeps me out rather then at home.
6. I love lamp. lol no, I love art. All of its forms. My mother use to dance and sing and my grandmother use to and still does photography, sculpting and painting. I wish I could draw but I can't so to make up for it I do everything else. I was suppose to go to columbia for theater because I use to act seriously but I love making music more.
7. I'll try any food once, unless it obviously gross on some fear factor ish.
8. I dig what makes people/things different more than what makes them the same.
9. I am a writer at heart, like I was writing short stories and poems since I was 10. It's what I love to do. When I started rapping it was really just combing my love of writing with my love of music and performing.
10. I have forever had this feeling like I'm going to have an impact on the world somehow. Leave my mark, meant for something great that type of thing. Because of it I'm very confident in myself and my abilities. People often come @ me mistaking this as "I'm on some stuck up sht" but I'm really not, I just feel like I'm meant to do some great things and make an impact and I can't for the life of me figure out why you don't feel the same about yourself.
11. in related news, I'm not that talkitive when I first meet people, I guess I prefer to listen and see what they're about before I let them get to know me. Again I get the "stuck up ish" because I don't go out of my way to make you like me. If your worth getting to know I'll get to know you, then you find out I'm just a chill goof.
12. I think grey goose will be the death of me.
13. I can be great conversation if I like the topic. I can be the best sex. But I can't be a boyfriend. I've come to find that I'm just not a relationship type of person. Everything could be great until I actually make things official then things go downhill, think: Ricky Bobby's dad in talledega nights, just doesn't work. and I've yet to meet a girl who makes me think that it can.
14. I can either be the kindest, most humble, open person you've ever met or I can be the most arrogant, cold hearted jerk. It depends on the person and our history. If you end up on the latter don't expect the former anytime soon because that part of me just doesn't care or give a fuck about you. on the other hand, I am genuinly a nice person so most people who really know me have only know the good half.
15. I'm anti-bullshit. I don't participate nor do I condone. If that's what you bring to the table you just ain't sitting at mine.
16. here's something you didn't know......
ummm, yea, how's that?
oh yea because it is my blog, here's 17.
I just heat lykke li's "Little bit" and it is my song of the moment. Yes, I'm late, but act like I care....
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ok, so to start off this conversation, | Where anything goes: Volume 1| is gonna be gooooood. It'll go down smooth san diego. lol. Some nice work went into this project I hope you all enjoy it. The "Mean wit it" video is my OFFICIAL first video and I'm sticking to that. I'm really excited about everyone getting to finnaly see it and hear it and experience it and whatever else. I'm slowly taking you guys on this journey to st.elsewhere with me but we gotta start at the beginning. 09 is gonna be niiiiiiiice. Yes.
Listening to: Lil Wayne & Pharrell "Yes"
Listening to: Lil Wayne & Pharrell "Yes"
Nah, we straight...
Traxxion just sent this to me, Barack @ a local diner. The post said "Obama mad coo." lol
Friday, January 9, 2009
Flashback moment.....
I'm sitting here with DC talking about Scarface records and he points out the joint "No tears." Somehow this conversation gets to the scene in office space where the white guy is blasting the song in traffic. This leads to the scene in the movie where they get to f****** up that printer and remember laughing my ass off. So, from me to you, the scen from the movie that inspired me to never want a cubicle job. lol.
Piano Lessions.......
I remember taking piano lessons. My mother used to teach me and then when I went to high school I signed up to take them. I never really stuck with it and learned how to play it properly. I was always just making beats and songs up. Maybe if I had really focused on it I would've ended up like Colin. But I'm glad he ended up like Colin instead. + Ortiz on this song = dope.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Words for the week...
This is the weekly address from Obama. It is comforting to know the leader of our country won't hide the facts from us, in fact, he won't even hide himself. Change.
The return of shady........

Eminem ft Dre & 50 Cent "Crack a bottle"
Em is in my top 5 for a reason. I look forward to what comes next.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Welcome to 09'.

2008 was so insane in soooo many ways. From the stranglehold of Lil Wayne + T-Pain, the country losing its mind and its money and acknowledging the change that is needed. I don't even gotta say what 08 will be forever remembered for but I will. Obama.
Meanwhile me. I spent this year rebuilding, see 2007 knocked the lil homie on his ass and alot of things that should've been weren't. But you grow and you learn, we teach ourselves from our mistakes. I've grown more in the past two years then the first 19 years of my life allowed me too. My head space is somewhere else now, their's a inner belief and drive that's telling me to go for broke. To go wherever I want to and to point the middle finger at whatever wants to prevent me from reaching that point. I welcome 2009 with a outlook that took me a minute to find, but I'm here now. It's going to start slowly, subtly, but trust that by the end of this year, them 3 letters I rock with will mean alot more to more people then myself. I'm trying to start something, to create something and represent the idea that we are what we say we are. So happy new years. Yes, I'm late but me and CP time have a long history, apparently so does the world as far I'm concerned. Its cool though, we're about to find the right time. This first mixtape is really just a clean-up. I had to give you the music I've been sitting on for a minute, the product of perfectionism. From there, I'm not stopping. I'm not alone, it's something bubbling under the surface and all of us feel it. We all know this year is going to be incredible for all of us. So let's get it in together. We are the future they've been talking about. Hello 09'
Go. Hard.
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