Kanye West "Paranoid" w/Rhianna
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Its ok to be scared.
To be afraid of being up this high, the ground walking away from you.
Afraid of what it would be like to fall.
Bracing yourself for impact,
But open your eyes, your still intact.
In one piece when everything else is trying to break you.
Whispered words behind you
About you.
Born to doubt you and make you do the same.
Like any attempt to better yourself is insane.
Why not stay on one level in the game.
Make bread? Who wants to go against the grain.
Well I do.
Looking at the world with eyes wide open.
Quiet conquest amongst these loud statues.
On 10 Confidence against these 1 worded swag holders.
Is it a wonder I'm headed for the sky with the world over my shoulders.
Although my thoughts are still hardly sober,
their clearer when I'm not though
I'm so driven, and life keeps giving keys
like I'd be crazy just to not go.
Even though fear grips me with every step I take
On uncharted land whether it exist in this life or love
Unsure of the unknown,
A Optimistic pessimist with a pension for introspection
Personal connections, good sex and enjoying oneself.
Smile on the outside because I've heard its good for your health.
On the inside its all worry, stress, khaled screaming "YOUR THE BEST"
and hunger for success
Prepared for anything, wake up in the morning and ask what's next.
And every day life answers me back, with another moment, I'm blessed.
Even when I swear, or don't care
Just aware, that even when the moment appears
and I'm finally there,
even then
Its ok to be scared.....
To be afraid of being up this high, the ground walking away from you.
Afraid of what it would be like to fall.
Bracing yourself for impact,
But open your eyes, your still intact.
In one piece when everything else is trying to break you.
Whispered words behind you
About you.
Born to doubt you and make you do the same.
Like any attempt to better yourself is insane.
Why not stay on one level in the game.
Make bread? Who wants to go against the grain.
Well I do.
Looking at the world with eyes wide open.
Quiet conquest amongst these loud statues.
On 10 Confidence against these 1 worded swag holders.
Is it a wonder I'm headed for the sky with the world over my shoulders.
Although my thoughts are still hardly sober,
their clearer when I'm not though
I'm so driven, and life keeps giving keys
like I'd be crazy just to not go.
Even though fear grips me with every step I take
On uncharted land whether it exist in this life or love
Unsure of the unknown,
A Optimistic pessimist with a pension for introspection
Personal connections, good sex and enjoying oneself.
Smile on the outside because I've heard its good for your health.
On the inside its all worry, stress, khaled screaming "YOUR THE BEST"
and hunger for success
Prepared for anything, wake up in the morning and ask what's next.
And every day life answers me back, with another moment, I'm blessed.
Even when I swear, or don't care
Just aware, that even when the moment appears
and I'm finally there,
even then
Its ok to be scared.....
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I dare you to try and cut my wings.......
I spend every waking moment, thinking about music. Making it, and how to make sure as many people get to hear it as possible. I make music for the masses to feel but I appreciate every single person who thinks a line is hot, or feels what I'm saying or puts a glass in the air when the beat drops. So far things are going pretty good, but I know they can get better. For now, I'm excited, my catchphrase lately has been "Loving the future" (word to Chester French) because literally every day I wake up is another reason to look forward to looking forward. I'm nowhere near where I want to be, but I'm opening the door and we all know how hard that part of the process is. I know alot of people don't yet understand me or get what the big deal is and that's cool. That just means I haven't worked hard enough to grab you yet, that stops here. Air Raid is coming too soon. The guys @ URB Magazine decided to bless me with a spot in the NEXT 100 Issue and IM KING and I got something coming. Fate's smiling right now, and while life is still harder than easier it feels like my dreams are in the process of becoming reality. I'm not stopping, I'm to driven for the stop sign, and I'm cursed with wanting everything that's not mine. It's happening for all of us and I'm just happy I get to share these moments with all of you. Love the future, more on the way.
Stay ^.
"I'm still fly, and I dare anybody to try and cut my wings"
Stay ^.
"I'm still fly, and I dare anybody to try and cut my wings"
Friday, May 22, 2009
Lady Gaga sketching fashion designs, why is she so dope?
You go to a art school for music and find yourself surrounded by Fashion Majors. I dig though, Its funny to see how passionate girls are about fabric, texture, style, designers, ect...but dope at the same time. Theirs matches the passion I have for music which is ill, the fashion world is just as huge as the music one. The deeper I get into both I come to find their is a neccesary co-existance. One inspires the other and vice versa, creative culture. I'll never claim to be a fashion head but I know what I like and what looks good on me, I listen, hear and learn from all of these future designers, models, stylists I've had the opportunity to chill with. Inspirement, I wrote a song called "Fashionista" for the Air Raid project.
"I don't know if I love you or I your fashion sense baby"......
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Paranoid Dopeness......
Preview of Kanye's new video "Paranoid" featuring a very beautiful Rihanna. Can't wait for the real one to come out.
Fear & Loathing.....
Fear & loathing...
Sitting on a bench waiting for the train.
To take me back to you.
I'm unaware of the reason,
Although I don't usually follow that word anyway.
I've been told I seem cold.
Focus meant not for you but the road.
insisting on putting this distance between us.
Dispelling the rumor that two dreamers
Can have the ever after and still hold the other.
I suppose amongst the money,cars,hoes and clothes
I could fit you in amongst the plans.
Holding hands as if anything other than would be uncivilized.
Are you experienced asked hendrix but he lived his love.
Cmon baby light my fire said jim but he gave two fucks
I guess a combination of the two is what I'm on
Telling you "your too close!" as if I was dylon
When I should just be dylan
And tell you I want you.
I need you
But I don't know how to say it.
So I don't....
Sitting on a bench waiting for the train.
To take me back to you.
I'm unaware of the reason,
Although I don't usually follow that word anyway.
I've been told I seem cold.
Focus meant not for you but the road.
insisting on putting this distance between us.
Dispelling the rumor that two dreamers
Can have the ever after and still hold the other.
I suppose amongst the money,cars,hoes and clothes
I could fit you in amongst the plans.
Holding hands as if anything other than would be uncivilized.
Are you experienced asked hendrix but he lived his love.
Cmon baby light my fire said jim but he gave two fucks
I guess a combination of the two is what I'm on
Telling you "your too close!" as if I was dylon
When I should just be dylan
And tell you I want you.
I need you
But I don't know how to say it.
So I don't....
The King of Pop, 's dancers.......
Auditions for Micheal Jackson's final tour. Say what you want about MJ but you can't deny that he set the bar for how we look at artists today. I grew up with an MJ fan for a mother, listening to all of his songs, performing with them in front of the TV. Set the stage for me wanting to be an artist in the first place. If I could dance as well I as I make music I would've been in line for this. I look forward to seeing video from this, MJ's last tour. The King of Pop, the changer of music as we know it.
The Coolest Kids.....
The Cool Kids Want You To Buy A System from Palestra Music on Vimeo.
The Cool kids talk about "Gone Fishing" and "When Fish ride bicycles"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Schoools Out!!!
This song can speak for me but I'll add a few words.
Right about now you should be throwing off your graduation caps or just settling into the summer vacation period. I'm excited to be done with it this year because its going to be an incredible summer. For all of us.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
French Girls.....
So, notice the gorgeous view of france. The cobbled streets, the architecture, the people, the cars, and the incredibly naked women bumping the toons boombox style. I didn't even notice all that. lol
Her's is the best day......
Hers is the best day.
I love you.
That's the first and foremost.
Your face stares back at me in the mirror
More beautiful, more deserving
Blessed to be called your angel when its really the other way around. Living out both of our dreams and hoping I do them justice. I try to reflect the best of what was taught to me.
Grateful for everything that was
And wasn't
Bought for me.
Memories that will never be lost to me, or us.
Seen me at my worst and finest.
The latter is mostly the time we spend.
Even those these days, it dwindles
We have our own lives and you tell me to live mine a little.
Give me the words I need to hear to make my way out of these riddles.
Still trying to protect me like I was fresh off the tricycle.
Or the bottle.
Forever your baby even with this beard and barritone.
Even when I get on my rolling stone
My hat will still stay at home.
Thanks for it all.
The wise words and advise
The hard days and sick nights
Staying up late to watch me fall asleep
Not hating me for the jeep.
God gave this world a saint and told her to build a man
Made me everything that I am
And while I still strive to be better I can only hope that I've made you proud
Or made you smile.
Like you are right now.
Or we are, should I say.
Like we started, I love you
From your son, on your day.
I love you.
That's the first and foremost.
Your face stares back at me in the mirror
More beautiful, more deserving
Blessed to be called your angel when its really the other way around. Living out both of our dreams and hoping I do them justice. I try to reflect the best of what was taught to me.
Grateful for everything that was
And wasn't
Bought for me.
Memories that will never be lost to me, or us.
Seen me at my worst and finest.
The latter is mostly the time we spend.
Even those these days, it dwindles
We have our own lives and you tell me to live mine a little.
Give me the words I need to hear to make my way out of these riddles.
Still trying to protect me like I was fresh off the tricycle.
Or the bottle.
Forever your baby even with this beard and barritone.
Even when I get on my rolling stone
My hat will still stay at home.
Thanks for it all.
The wise words and advise
The hard days and sick nights
Staying up late to watch me fall asleep
Not hating me for the jeep.
God gave this world a saint and told her to build a man
Made me everything that I am
And while I still strive to be better I can only hope that I've made you proud
Or made you smile.
Like you are right now.
Or we are, should I say.
Like we started, I love you
From your son, on your day.
I'm in love with a stripper......
This is beautiful. Like I don't know how she made it into an art but dammit, she did it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Young & Ignorant......
I remember when I was like 16, I swore knew everything their was to know. A basic high school education and a driver license was all I needed. I was working on my first "album" using my grandmother computer and recording songs on a mic that was attached to the screen. I was banging out beats on acid just getting into the idea of sampling with no other reason but the love. Forming a group in your garage and trying to mimic record labels was not the average past time for other kids but I knew its what I wanted to do. 18, I swore I knew everything. Freshman in college, an artist in a art school. Meeting people I consider family outside of my family and starting to really follow what I feel is my path in this world. Time flyys when your having fun because 4 years later with arrests, drunken nights, new friends, old friends, 1000 parties, lost loves, new ones, randomness, come-ups, burnt blunts, h**s, shows, and a new appreciation for clothes behind me I'm at the same place I was then, feeling like I know everything. The only difference this time is that I know I don't, but I'm looking forward. I'm anticipating the unknown and I'm as ready for it as I can be. The world looks alot different then it did when I was 16, it looks bigger. Attitude is different too, changed from "I want it" to "I'm going to go get it". No limits, nothing stopping you but yourself. I don't know it all, but I know where I'm headed. I refuse to be told otherwise. So let's get it people. Whatever you desire, GO! Aquire. With fresh attire. Lol, (couldn't resist) Happy Bday to us.
T waddown! 5-7-87.
Night rider worthy.....

This is probably one of the sexiest images. I can just imagine how the car would drive, if not night rider, batman maybe? Definitely loving the future.
From Cool Hunter:
Another iconic vehicle is about to be reborn and brought into the 21st century. This time it is the Mercedes-Benz 300SL that is getting the make-over treatment (that’s the car with the batman-esque doors to you and me, or Gull-wings as they are known in the car business).
This beautiful badboy, first introduced to the roads in 1954, is to be modified by Arturo Alonso and his company, Gullwing America. This time round it will be much more powerful, easier to handle and of course, it will feature all the mod-cons that one has come to expect from a vehicle of its caliber.
Thinkers thoughts.....
“What is possible would never have been achieved if, in this world, people had not repeatedly reached for the impossible.”
- fellow thinker, Max Weber
Something to 'think' about next time you think something can't be done. Word to sakiya.
The Coolest kids......

Download here
When you get the chance, make sure you download 'Gone Fishing' if you haven't already. The big homies teamed up with Don Cannon for the project. Pennies remix. In rotation.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Chicago Larry...
I just wanted to post this so I don't forget. I'll write more later but for now just watch the vid!! LMAO!!! & If you live in chicago than you definitely KNOW that dude.
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