I was walking down state street and saw some street performers in full swing, had to take a pic. I love living in a place where random outbursts of creativity are applauded. There are countries where things like that could get you shot. I'm not really sure what they were trying to present with the performance but I was surrounded by people who swore they knew what the fuck they were talking about. I heard screams of "its about self-control!", "poverty!!", someone even decided that this somehow had something to do with the war in Iraq. I wanted to laugh, and tell some of these people to shut the hell up, that might've been rude. lol. As I stood there watching the artist perform I started thinking about our quickness in labeling things. Everything we do needs a neat box to fit in, and people love being the first to find a name for that box. This truer than ever in music. Labels are pro's @ creating boxes, as well as fans nowadays. I decided a long time ago that I would no longer label or box things up because while your worried about it fitting a label your losing the enjoyment of it. Music in particular. Whatever happened to just enjoying music for what it is and as it is. Fuck that, the time is ripe to flatten that box and do a few head spins on top of it. So, as people around me looked for a deeper meaning to the performance in front of us, I simply captured the moment and enjoyed it as it was. Its funny what you see walking down the street sometimes.....

Listening to: Lil Wayne "Me & My Drank" \/
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