A life lived so far......
Have you ever jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Or with all of them off?
Have you ever just said fuck it?
To convention, to pretention, to detention?
Have you ever ran until you couldn't feel your legs but somehow found youself still in motion?
Have you ever played never have I ever with a room full of strangers?
Have you ever celebrated on a monday because the sun was out?
You ever seen sounds, before N.E.R.D brought up the concept?
Have you ever made something out nothing?
Have you ever taken a moment to think?
Or feel blessed? Or daydream? Or feel?
Have you ever followed your passion?
You ever allowed it to be more than that?
Have you believed in something bigger than yourself?
Have you ever met people who felt/followed/believed in the same things you did?
Have you ever lied to spare the pain that comes with the truth?
Or told the truth to spare the pain that comes with the lie?
Have you ever smoked more blunts than your body could handle?
Or drank too much goose/rum/tequila/smirnoff/apple drink and found out what that was like when you woke up?
You live to tell the tale?
Have you ever let go?
Have you ever really felt free?
Have you ever got a celebrity in the club?
Have you ever met one?
Have you ever felt like you are one and knew that everyone else should feel the same way about themselves?
Have ever not gave a damn if they didn't?
Have you ever kissed and told the world?
Or your guys the next morning at breakfast?
Have you ever had a one night stand?
Or many? Or did that just turn into a dip?
Have u ever taken a chance?
Ever went to a party and just danced until the music was off?
Ever played your favorite song 30 times in 1 day?
Just to do it again next week to a different one?
Have you ever made the impossible possible?
Have you ever just started stripping in a party full of white people?
Have you ever took someone who was already taken?
Ever went to a party that lasted til the next week?
And woke up and went to another one just like it?
You ever heard a hundred people scream the words to your favorite song?
And was that song yours?
You ever got fresh with nowhere to go, just cause u felt like?
You ever said fuck fresh and wore pajama pants to life?
Have you ever had a story that only you thought was funny? Or the one that everybody wants to hear over & over?
Have you ever been the life of the party?
You ever been in love
Been out of it?
Don't fuck wit it?
Do you believe in it?
Have you ever kept a secret?
Or told one?
Have you ever done what had to be done?
Would you do it again?
Have you ever made it up as you went along?
Have you ever thrown a party worth going too?
or talking about?
Have you ever seen something that changed your life?
Did you let it?
You ever listen to music or do you just skim through it?
Do you still celebrate holloween/christmas/thanksgiving/holiday's like you use too?
Did you grow up to be who you wanted to be when you were younger?
Have you ever wondered how old is 'grown up' and do you think its not the time for that title?
You ever felt something from across the world without ever leaving your seat?
Have you ever not cared until you lost something?
Do you laugh every chance you get?
Have you discovered your sense of humor?
of self?
..........if you answered 'yes' to any of these then feel good. Your alive. add more if you'd like?