Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Song of the hour.....

So, I'm watching that song with Pharrel, Santogold and Julian. I like it. Alot. Starts making me wanna hear more from each of these guys. So I put in my copy of seeing sounds. Rocked out. Put in my copy of Santogold, cool. Then I went to Itunes and proceeded to download Is this it along with Room on fire. I forgot what the early 2000's were like when it came to the strokes. They were THE band of the times. I was just starting to deviate from my all hip hop all the time format so I didn't get toooo much into them. But one song that helped my progression from casual listener to fan was this joint. Reptilia is my favorite Strokes song and its no wonder they put the joint on the newest guitar hero. Check it out. Peace

"Please don't slow me down ,If Im going to fast"

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