I was never into politics. As a kid you never are, I remember being in junior high when bush got in office, and I remember how high school got a little bit harder when my mother was layed off. I remember being a freshman when 9/11 hit, and I remember even then, not believing in the ideas layed out by Bush. I remember wanting to vote for Kerry but not yet being old enough, even though I didn't like Kerry I just wanted something different from the world I was living in. It's been 4 years and that world has gotten colder, its gotten harder, and I've gotten older. I never thought I'd be here, neither did my mother or my grandparents, or most of the world for that matter. But here we are, a week away from electing a african american man for the office of president of the united states. Electing the idea of hope over fear and change over more of the same. I have friends who plan on voting for mccain, and its cool, we're still cool. But know that when the dust clears and Obama is standing on the podium I will be in the audience to hear him. Win or lose. I don't think any of us fully understand the major impact that someone like Barack Obama brings to this country and its look on itself and its look over the world. I am voting this year, and I will tell my kids that I was here and how it felt to be apart of change. You hear stories about this time when it seems like things can actually change, where it seems like you can actually make a difference. Except the difference here is that, we get to be apart of it this time. We get to tell that story. We're a week away. Change is coming.
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