Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Twitter Question......
The Morning After......
We lie here.
Wondering whether or not we found the truth.
Hoping that the touch of each other wasn't as right as it felt.
Or as wrong as it was.
No names
Just whispered words
Barely heard between rushed breaths.
As we wonder aloud. What's next.
Do we play guilty in a crime that lacks suspects.
Or act as if.
Tonight never happened.
It was something we imagined
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
The words that need to be said get stuck in our chest.
So we don't speak.
But our eyes do.
Begging to find a answer when neither of us know the question.
Unsure of what we want to forget.
Or remember.
How you felt in my hands.
or your taste on my tongue
or how the night knows it ours
While we both chase the sun.
Thoughts that play in my mind
On repeat.
and I can't find the stop button.
or my pants for that matter.
Unsure of the next move.
But then.
neither of us want too.
Surprised to find comfort in this moment.
Where we move closer.
I normally don't do this.
Stay long enough for your eyes to see into mine.
And catch me torn between making another mistake
and apologizing for this one.
Even though.
we're not sorry.
We're just young. Crazy.
and your beautiful.
Enough to make me want to stay
The morning after....
This is it.........
Michael Jackson - This Is It - Directed by Spike Lee from 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I feel the same way......
New Chicago.......
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Unsure moments fill the gaps now.
Between yesterday and tomorrow.
With time moving so fast that the two seem to drift into each other.
Some permanent limbo we don't choose to get stuck in.
But we find ourselves here.
When we're apart.
So now I have to wonder if I'll found my way back to you.
Searching at the bottom of this glass
or the cloud of smoke that surrounds me like new cologne.
The new fragrance, El Canibi for men.
But I'd prefer the scent of you in the end.
So I search for your replacements, since you want to play Carmen.
But I always end up staring into your reflection.
The photocopy of perfection
but missing a soul.
Who thinks me Tiger Woods while filling these holes.
Lucky me, I don't play golf.
I gave up games for what became more of the same.
So I stay lost.
Floating on the thickest clouds.
With hopes that my freedom lies in the UP.
Telling myself and the world that I don't really give a fuck.
Shorty, I'm a rocket man.
High as a kite, flyy in the night.
But know one sees me land in the daylight.
Except a song or 2.
Writing life as I see it, except your not in it.
Of course I'm not alone, but it doesn't feel like I'm winning.
Even when they tell me that I've already won.
As if the rest doesn't matter because I'm already young.
So, Live your life, have a drink.
Take time to pray, time to think.
But remember that your days move the same as a blink.
So just don't close your eyes.
I suppose .
That's how I lost you in the first place.
and ended up in this place unknown.
Far from home in pursuit of happiness
and space.
Riding on stars but mars is no place to stand on.
And these days earth is no place to land on.
So I stay afloat,
Until my words slur and sentences break off.
Love hard and hate soft.
But I know its hard to stay grounded
When your heart wants to take off......
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thinkers Thoughts.....
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living”
- fellow thinker
Nelson Mandela

Do you think about me.......
This song puts me in that place I try not to visit often. I go back to 2 years ago, when I thought I was solid. I've only had maybe 2 girls in my life, besides my mother, that have actually affected me. I admit to myself now, that really 19 is too young to think your in love with a person, but how do you know then. When we started, we assumed we would take over the world together. That was until we took eachother over instead. We lost ourselves, so much so that the only way out was some painful shit. We broke eachothers hearts, and I never bothered to pick up the pieces. Which is why I always tell girls when they try to talk to me, I'm not going on the serious shit for a long time. I don't think I'm built for that type of thing. I work better alone. But that doesn't mean I don't stil wonder with all the what if's....and if she ever thinks about me, like I think about her.....
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Yellow Light it......
Vampires come out at night.....
He sneezes on you and farts at the same time. Part of you laughs. She uses your bathroom and it doesn't smell like roses, part of you laughs. The other parts of your start noticing that smear marks on the Mona Lisa. Slowly but surely this person becomes human to you. He goes to the club with his people and comes back popped. Part of you understands. She goes to the club with her girls and comes back popped, part of you understands. It begins with the small things and eventually you’re coming to grips with the fact that maybe your not Jay and Beyonce. This is where things get the rockiest. See, the problem with
The problem is most people don't make it past this realization and begin to go find perfection elsewhere, or perceived perfection: Some girl with a fatter ass and a cuter smile, or some guy who can bench 300. Then, in the revolving door that is relationships, we see that person do a 360 and realize their not what we thought they were either. It’s like a drug that has you in the street naked as hell at 3 in the morning holding your dick looking for a fix that was a good as the first one (not that I've ever been out at 3 in the morning. naked.) But we fail to realize that perfection doesn't exist. People lose out on so much, trying to chase it down. What’s that saying "Don't leave the one you love, for the one you like, because the one you like will leave you for one they love"? I probably fucked it all up but the point is its true as fuck. By the time you realized you fucked up its too late for both of you to get it back. Then you’re just sad and shit. Depressed, listening to Kid Cudi records. (Even though I fuck with that album)
Here's the thing, my outlook is that no ones and nothing is perfect. I stopped striving for perfection when it came to relationships. Not my life, or my passion (I WILL get everything I want out of this life) but in relationships because people aren't flawless. We're flawed, greatly. That doesn't mean we can't strive for better, but that also doesn't mean don't go chasing waterfalls when the ocean is what made you happy in the first place. I've come to expect it, in fact I prefer it. I find comfort not just in what makes a woman desirable, but her flaws as well, that what makes us unique(or crazy or sexy, feel free to substitute words their). That also shows me I'm not the only human in the building, and I appreciate that.
Men and women when dealing with each other are crazy as hell. Neither understands the other, and it doesn't help that when we fuck(With) each other we expect the other person to turn into that video model (even though these days their easier to come by) or r&b singer and the world will magically fall into place. As soon as we realize the other person is a real human we bolt for the next rather than understanding that real "Love"(I'm hesitant to use that word, not really a fan) is a long, long war in which victories and losses occur all the time. Its messy, confusing, depressing, wild, sexy, random, fucked up, fucking great, great fucking , sloppy, unorganized, flawed...and all we can do is hold on and hope we hit Happy. Because honestly, I'd rather be happy, then perfect. Honestly, perfect is boring as fuck. But that's just me. Outy5000.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I use to have a Bulls jacket........
Official Add-2 "Starter Jacket" video by PreciseMinds/Tori Boyd from Add-2 on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Until I wake up....
Thinkers thoughts....
“Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.”
- fellow thinker
Abraham Joshua Heschel,
When Dre met Gaga....

Monday, November 23, 2009
Well krafted love stories......
MSTRKRFT – Featuring John Legend from vincent haycock on Vimeo.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Just my thoughts.....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Redefine your "vacations......

Just as luxury resort group Six Senses was ahead of the curve with its sexy castaway fantasy resort in the Maldives, Soneva Fushi, Six Senses Destination Spa Phuket is a spa fantasy that lasts for days, even weeks, depending how long you want to stay. We only had four days but that was enough time to understand why this destination spa is so popular, it goes way beyond pampering. The experience starts as soon as you arrive of the private island of Naka Yai, just of the north-east coast of Phuket in Phang Nga Bay. There’s no lobby, no queues, just walk up the postcard perfect jetty and head straight for the spa for an extensive assessment.
I promise. I'll take plenty of pictures for you.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sky Blue Thoughts......
Ambition is a hell of a drug word to Rick James. Lol, here we are once again. Somewhere between the past and the future, trying to figure it all out before IT smacks me in the face. So far, things have been going good, but good can always turn to better. I spend most of my days working to reach that point, but the funny thing is, I won't know until I'm there. During my last interview Jamall asked me "when will you know your on." I told him I honestly couldn't tell him until I reach that point. I want to be great, I want to help change the world. Theirs so much that I want to do while I'm good and alive out here because tomorrow isn't promised. I guess the best way to start is to make something great for you to listen to. I want to make a project with great songs, not hit singles, that's what -AIR RAID- was for. -Purple- is going to be an entirely different type of beast. The songs I'm writing for this project are closer to my heart, just my confessions hoping their not alone out here. I want to make records you guys will remember years from now. Songs that require more than 1 listen, in fact these joints are going to require you wear out the tape. Lol, I told you man...ambitions a bitch. Gift/Curse type deal but I love it. I'm pushing myself towards St.Elsewhere, I'm just glad you guys are rolling with me on this journey. I'm in a good space right now, and I'm working to get to a great one. New Music, Shooting a video to "The Shining" and a project that I think is going to be amazing. Spark Up.
In this crazy world.....
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Men Who Stare at Votes | |||| | ||||
I can still count on The Daily Show....Lol.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
1 Year ago.....
Monday, November 2, 2009
Spark up #1......
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Beautiful Ones.....
I've never seen you before.
Rare words in a space so familiar.
This must be your song.
Because you move like they made it for you.
I've been here before.
Ready to scream what the hell
In the sight of an angel.
Missing you before I even know you.
Words you've heard a million times before.
Escape before I have the chance to hold them in.
What's your name.
Where's your man.
Here's a ring
Where's your hand.
Moving too fast but the world is moving faster.
I suppose before we dive in.
There are things I could ask you.
Like do you believe in shooting stars.
Love at first sight.
Nights that become days
And Days that last forever.
Could you believe that your everything I ever wanted
and nothing I ever expected.
All in the same glance.
I've heard the stories they tell about you.
That you rip hearts from their homes.
Bring them to the unknown
and the leave them.
Everytime. The Beautiful Ones hurt you.
But then you've heard the same about me and mine.
So who I am to judge.
When we could settle for the bar.
Whispers in your ear, but the music is much louder.
The drinks are much stronger.
Than either of us.
So do we leave it at lust.
Or reach for more than life promises.
You are heaven sent after all.
And although my arms are to short to box with god
I'll settle for the feel.
of an angel.
Words from the G.O.A.T........
Muhammad Ali
“When you are as great as I am, it is hard to be humble.”
“At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far.”
“I am America. I am the part you won’t recognize, but get used to me. Black, confident, cocky – my name, not yours. My religion, not yours. My goals, my own. Get used to me.”
“Friendship… is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”
“I’m the most recognized and loved man that ever lived cuz there weren’t no satellites when Jesus and Moses were around, so people far away in the villages didn’t know about them.”
“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.”
“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.”
“Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer.”
“My way of joking is to tell the truth. That’s the funniest joke in the world.”
“All I want now is to be a nice, clean gentleman. I’ve proved my point. Now I’m going to set an example for all the nice boys and girls. I’m through talking.”
Monday, October 26, 2009
Where the wild things are.......

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Well.....Here we are.....Purple sessions....

A picture says 1000 words....

Much Better than "Big Ass Chain"