I'm excited. Looking forward to my tomorrows and counting my blessings. To everyone who's supported me and my music so far, thank you. For giving me and mine a chance to be seen and heard. You guys keep me going when the world is telling me pack it up and go home. Fuck that. lol. A lot of good things have been coming my way lately and the music I'm making now is some of the best I've been making. Words like growth, and progress pop into my head here. True enough, I have grown as a man and an artist. Me and the crew have been through so much, from the time I dropped -WHERE ANYTHING GOES V1- to dropping -AIR RAID.- I've met incredible people, done some incredible things and all signs only point to it getting better. What's bogus is as usual, when everything begins to look up, I start second guessing myself and wondering if I'm good enough, for what I want to do, for this girl on my phone, for my family and lastly for you guys. See, I've grown to realize that nothing is perfect even when all signs point to the opposite. Its all just part of the journey.
It's at this point I'm at right now. While the last projects I released were all compiled from songs I'd been working on and holding for over 2 years. This one is all new material. Fresh music from my most recent thoughts and experiences. And seeing as this has been one of my most incredible years, it only fits for the music to be just as incredible. I'm excited for you guys to hear it. This project isn't about introducing myself, or putting out hot songs. Its about making great songs and hoping you guys connect with me like I connect with you. -Purple- so far is shaping to be incredible, my thought process for this project is simple, I'm just trying to capture the journey. Spark Up.
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