So. I wake up this morning to my roomates telling me that President Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize and I start laughing. Cause honestly, the idea of one more randomly amazing honor being placed on our presidents head is hilarious. Like, someone telling you your the greatest, most popular, most legendary person....AND...Like it just doesn't stop. But I wasn't the only one surprised. Obama didn't know this was coming his way, and not only was his speech full of humility so was the lone twitter post this morning "humbled." I personally think while a little premature, Obama deserves this award. People in this country don't understand how far down Americas image was in the dirt. For the first decade of the 21st century we lost. fail.com. Our image around the world and our roll in dragging it down with us became what defined us. Hate him or love him its hard to deny that Obama has single handidly been responsible for not only digging us out of the whole but redirecting and inspiring not only us but the whole world to believe in the greater good, to strive for hope and peace. He has helped changed the worlds view of us, which is one of the main reasons we voted for the guy. With so much on his head right now, I'm glad he was given this. I'm happy I elected him, and so is the rest of the world. Peace
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