I'm excited and not about 22. The up is that I'm one year older and this world, one more year of life, experience, and growth. The down is, from here on every bday is a "daaaamn! not 23,24,30,45." Yeah, I'm definitely jumping with that last one but still. 21 has been a crazy year but a great one, and part of me wishes I could stay this age for a while but I know better is to come. Idk yet what I'm gonna do as far a Bday party but I know its gonna be dope, crazy, fun, ect...you know how we go about these things people. So I'll keep you posted on the plans but just giving you all the heads up, May 7th & the weekend that goes with it I want to see all my people. That &......
Birthday Sex remix ft Fabolous
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