My mother was 22 years old when she had me in 1987. She was a teenager when Michael became a superstar and a true child of the 80's. Michael was on his Bad stage but Thriller was a permanent fixture in my house. In the 80's, Michael was king, and my childhood memories consist of jordans, Hi-top fades, ghost busters, and Michael Jackson music. Whenever a MJ event was on television me and my mother would watch it. I remember hours spent trying to get the dance moves down, the moonwalk, the spin, kick-pop move he used to pull, even the joint when he stood on his toes. I didn't have a fedora when I saw the "smooth criminal video" so I made a imaginary one out of baseball caps and best believe I rocked the glove, socks, penny loafer combo for a holloween. As a child, your parents heroes become your own and no one was more prominent to not only my family, but to the world then Mike.
I grew up performing Michael Jackson songs to my family during holidays. We'd all get together, eat, talk, laugh, celebrate and then me and my cousins would perform. It's been different songs through the years but we'd always find our way back to Michael. Whether it was the thriller routine, beat it, or smooth criminal, or the whole damn moonwalker. Lol, Michael Jackson made me want to be a performer in the first place. His music and energy is the reason why I grew up to be who I am honestly. I can't sing like Michael but the passion to create great music, and share it with the world, being the best artist you could be all of those qualities I get from MJ. The funny thing is I'm not really alone in this aspect.
Every major pop artist from Madonna to Usher, to Justin to Chris Brown to Kanye to Jay to every artist that we look to today got it from Michael. The first of his kind, he revelutionized the music industry, what it meant to be a artist in the modern era and it just seems like we've been looking for a replacement but we all know we never will. We just accept the closest possible thing. Who do you know? With the biggest selling album of all time, most recognized and popular artist in the world.ever. Who do you know? single-handidly changed and shaped culture to fit their terms instead of the other way around. Who do you know? broke every rule and standard and reshaped them. Its kind of sad today that the younger kids, younger than me, only know Michael Jackson as a freak show, as that weird alien looking guy that the papers are always talking about. But in the same hand I bet those kids know a song off of thriller.
I never cared about accusations, or the extra shit because I've always been a fan of Michael Jackson the artist. My grandmothers had Elvis, Sinatra, the beatles. My mother had Michael but the difference is we all had Michael because once he dropped it was ever lasting. EVERYONE knows the name, face, and a song of MJ, that's not for no reason. He gave us one of the greates peices of music in history and inspired millions of kids to strive for something bigger than themselves, and go for whatever their dreams were. When I heard Mike had died, I didn't believe it. It was through a text, 1. 2, it was motherfucking Michael Jackson, he just doesn't die. But incredibly, it was true, sadly. I called my mother later that night and we talked for a minute, because he meant alot to both of us. Two individual childhoods that span generations, because my little sister knows Michael Jackson. My 1 year old nephew will know who Michael Jackson is because even though he is gone, his music, his spirit, his influence lives forever.
I've spent my songwriting life thus far trying to capture the engery of "Billy Jean" I've always thought it was the perfect song.
Now that he's gone, what do we do? Do we spit on his legacy? Do we quickly put the crown on somebody else's head or do we accept the fact that their will never. never. Be another Michael Jackson and that the rest of us are just feathers on the wings. Thank you Michael, for all the inspiration. I can only strive to be as great, but I won't be anywhere close.
Rest in peace. Michael.
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