So. Here we are, season 7. Lol, we have a running joke in the crew, sometimes it seems so much random shit happens to us that we might be stuck in some 'truman' esque TV show. But lately things been going good, I just know they can get better. Air Raid has been out, and hopefully those that have downloaded have thoroughly enjoyed it. I put my heart in that project making sure that you guys would enjoy it. The styrofoam cups video has been getting some great feedback as well. We're about to start working on the next one, as soon as I designate what the next song will be. -The shining- seems to be the best canidate. Between receiving good news and bad, between prepping the next music video and wondering if all of what I want is possible, I've started working on the next project. I've talked about "Purple" for a while now. The title alone, should give you an idea of where this going. This project is going to be about the highs, the good ones and the bad ones. As well as focus on the lows. I wanted Air Raid to prove to you guys that I could make good music. I want Purple to take you elsewhere. In person I'm usually quiet because I save my words for my music, but don't let my silence hide my ambitions. I want to give you guys amazing, I want this project to be amazing and as I did with Air Raid, I promise. Dopeness shall ensue. For those of you have been riding with me on this long ride, I appreciate it. Every step is another in uncharted territory, but I know the destination and we still have a ways to go. I want Purple to be more than just a good mixtape. I want it to be something that you guys remember. On some forever shit. So, Someone call Steve at Studio 11, tell him JDP's about to go in....Lol.
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