Leaving the studio late, nearing completion of -Purple- feeling pretty good. The snow melting away and the arrival of an early spring doesn't hurt the mood either. I'm excited, about the fact that this is my last year at Columbia College Chicago, about the fact that my city is currently winning, about the fact that the music I'm working on is coming from an entire new place. It seems as of late things have been looking up for me and mine. My boy Fox just got a second lease on life, and both The Bartnedaz and C.Rich have projects either out or on the way. The movement is growing, the family is growing. Every head, hand, and idea is another step closer to the goal. Another partner on this long journey. 2009 was incredible, the year that saw me grow both as a man and as an artist. 2010, I'm taking advantage of my vantage point, ya dig. Every song I lay down off this thing is just another snapshot, of where I was or what I was going through. Just capturing the journey, that's the goal with this thing, and I'm excited because I think I'm succeeding. Of course the season doesn't go without it's disappointments, we're always going to have the lows. We need them to help balance out the highs. But they never stop us from reaching upward. We're staring rehearsal for the smoking section this week, once we get all the pieces together, its going to be dope. I want to put something together that you guys will remember. Something incredible. Something stage diving worthy (just something I'm on, leave it alone) Something to match the energy of the music. Besides the movie role I just signed up for, and the video treatments for "No Lies" plus the other dope ish we got planned for this thing, I'm excited for the music. Making songs I didn't think I'd be making, succeeding at an idea and bringing it to life. Taking chances and seeing them come to light. It's art man. I know I'm not alone this year. It's so much in the air, too much going on, and not enough time. But we're here. We're alive. We're winning. Let's go. -Purple- coming soon..........
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