Big world. Little Perspective........
No. I'm not perfect. The thing is I don't think I've ever pretended to be. Life is more fun when you admit that to yourself out the gate. It's freeing to embrace your flaws and trying your best to keep them from becoming your cliche's. It's been a incredible experience, this life, growing and learning more about myself and the world I'm in everyday. From the people to the places, I've been blessed to be surrounded by inspirement. Or maybe I just know where to look, who knows. I just know that the music I make is a recap, the soundtrack to the moments we experience every night we hit the city. Whatever that city may be for some of you. Chicago, LA, Austin... -Purple- is just a record, of the things I've been feeling and dealing with for the past 2 years. This incredbile journey we're all on to find ourselves, or something similar. I said on "Sky Blue Diamonds" (which is at 900 Dl's btw) that I don't know if I'll make it but I know I gotta try. We, have to try. To keep reaching. To move forward even though the odds are against us. Fuck em. I've chased the same dream since I could run and I don't plan on stopping now that I'm so close. Now that -Purple- is finished (minus a few guest verses and some mixing), Now that The Smoking Section is behind me to give you guys one incredible fucking show. Not when I'm about to walk across a stage and start the next chapter in this story of mine. Of ours. Yea, I'm a little excited. I'm just ready for you guys to hear the whole thing, I didn't care if I was making Hip Hop or Pop or Electro soul funk or whatever, it just felt right. Right now just feels right. I'm sure tomorrow I'll wake up and feel like shit because I'm not perfect (I just strive for my music to be), I'm not able to be to her what she wants me to be. I'm not the valedictorian they want me to be. But its because I'm not those people, that person, that I'm able to admit I've still got growth to do. I still have a ways to go in this world and that means more music to write. When you get comfortable and start smelling yourself is when your in trouble, you lose steam, you stop reaching. Never stop reaching. Not when the world is right in front of you. Purple coming soon.
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