We're gone. Outy 5000. New Game. New Players. Closed Chapter. We fight, we struggle, we stumble, we fall. But failure is only if you never bother to stand back up. I've gone through so many ups and downs over the course of these years. I've met so many incredible people that have that changed my life and helped shape me into the person I am today. For better or for worse, mainly for the better. I've been humbled by the past couple of weeks but floored by the past couple of years. To figure out who you are and what you want out of this world is an amazing thing. To know that the door is open for you and to have the means to walk through it is just as amazing. There are so many moments, so many memories that come to mind about this time in my life that its going to need a book to describe. To everyone I've met along the journey and those who chose to walk closer then most, thank you. I know I have a tendency to be an asshole or a jerk or an arrogant bastard but know that I've appreciated every second we got to spend together. I want to apologize to anyone I've offended in my growth, namely security guards, lol. I look in the mirror these days and I can't believe its the same face from 5 years ago. I don't know what the future has in store for me, I just know where my aim is and I'm confident enough to know I'll hit it, my way. I know I haven't really made myself available to talk to many of you but know I that I believe in what we can accomplish. Each of us are incredible, and responsible for what the future looks like, and in our case....she's looking good. Pound sign. Class of 2010. Peace.
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