Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Lemur Project: Song #10

Frank Sinatra "In the wee small hours"

Peep project origins here.

This is the rainy day, this is the last call, this is the break-up, this is the missing her. My grandmother loves Frank, she played him when I was growing up like crazy. Obviously, that means a couple of them Frank joints were my jams and this one was my favorite. Frank's voice is perfect over the gentle score. The atmosphere, the vibe, everything connected with that record and anyone who's ever been in love, around love, heard of love, can fall to this song. This song is still #1 on my most played list on Itunes, and I've been hearing it all of my life. I don't know how I haven't gotten tired of it but, I'm not. I can think to this song, I can just drift along, or I can follow the voice to my own thoughts and memories. I want to make music like that, where the whole feeling of the song sort of carries you with it, and if you really listen, you can find out why the song is so special.

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