Good grief.
I feel like charlie brown.
Colorless, or the tasteless bland of grey.
Lost in thoughts and rhymes and rhythms.
Nowhere near where my thoughts are supposed to be.
How can they be.
His thoughts, his words, his lessons
Are french to me.
And I took spanish.
And this is chemistry.
So I'm all fucked up. Lol
I take that back, my thoughts are where there supposed to be.
Its this desk, this book, this class that is out of place.
This is a art school.
I'm suppose to think about the sounds
The feel of the words as they flow through me
The energy of the music as it bangs out of headphones
The stage.
The mic.
Not compounds.
Not elements, at least not in chemical sense.
A artist scribbles pictures next to me.
Stills for a comic book or something.
She hasn't stopped since we got here.
She's dope.
I think her name is muse...Or I just heard it like that.
Maybe this crap is his art,
Not ours.
Not mine.
He says newton, I think biggie.
He says equation. I think verses.
She mumbles under her breath,"Why did I take this class"
I think "cause I need it to pass"
I wonder what he thinks we think
Does he know we're only passing through here.
Only spending moments in his world waiting to catch the train to ours.
This room has no windows.
And I can't see the clock.
Extra wack.
Maybe I should be paying attention
Pretend to be interested
Or something.
Good grief....
I feel like charlie brown.
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