Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Current piece of mind......

I heard a long time ago that when writing is your passion you set yourself apart. Your more than just a part of society but the natural observer, taking the moments and capturing them. Not with pictures but with words. I heard about the beats along time ago, and use to want to be that. To be known for my passion rather than the standard society would place me in. I wanted to be Ginseburg, regarded as a poetic genius just from living. I'm a long way from that as my current mission to capture the energy from this current rollercoaster called my life. My music is a reflection of the life I'm living, the rush, the party, the moments. It's only gonna gonna get better, deeper, closer....
NEway, not to deviate but I recently saw and purchased "On the road" by Jack Kerouac. The book is regarded as a era changing piece of literature that inspired the children of the 50's to become to children of the 60's. I heard the author got high and wrote the whole story in a matter of days on one long scroll of paper. The story is about him and his friends journey through america and the moments that he manages to capture in his work. I read this and think of me and the crew when our lives will lead us to place us we've never been, and to moments I'll give back to you. That's the power of words, music, art.


Yea, I get's deep. Lol.

F.orever L.oving Y.our Y.outh........

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