Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sky Blue Thoughts......

The view from Dubai

Ambition is a hell of a drug word to Rick James. Lol, here we are once again. Somewhere between the past and the future, trying to figure it all out before IT smacks me in the face. So far, things have been going good, but good can always turn to better. I spend most of my days working to reach that point, but the funny thing is, I won't know until I'm there. During my last interview Jamall asked me "when will you know your on." I told him I honestly couldn't tell him until I reach that point. I want to be great, I want to help change the world. Theirs so much that I want to do while I'm good and alive out here because tomorrow isn't promised. I guess the best way to start is to make something great for you to listen to. I want to make a project with great songs, not hit singles, that's what -AIR RAID- was for. -Purple- is going to be an entirely different type of beast. The songs I'm writing for this project are closer to my heart, just my confessions hoping their not alone out here. I want to make records you guys will remember years from now. Songs that require more than 1 listen, in fact these joints are going to require you wear out the tape. Lol, I told you man...ambitions a bitch. Gift/Curse type deal but I love it. I'm pushing myself towards St.Elsewhere, I'm just glad you guys are rolling with me on this journey. I'm in a good space right now, and I'm working to get to a great one. New Music, Shooting a video to "The Shining" and a project that I think is going to be amazing. Spark Up.

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