Monday, February 28, 2011

Tomorrow People.

The view from Libya.
We're standing on the edge. Preparing to leap at any moment and hoping, that somewhere between the clouds and the ground, we'll grow wings. It's an incredible time to be alive right now. Everyday we wake up something else amazing has happened, something we thought unthinkable only a few hours before. What does it all mean basil? Simply that we should forget words like impossible, deny words like can't, and come to define what this time is all about. Change, Progress, forward motion. Moving torwards a future with so many possibilities, so many opportunities, and blessed with the knowledge that know how to make them. The rules have changed for good and now the only ones we need to follow are our own. The people in power don't believe in us, fuck em. We believe in ourselves. I've been writing since I was 7 years old, I've been making music since I was 13. I couldn't let this dream go if I wanted too. I'm constantly inspired, habitually line stepping over whatever they put in front of me. Try to stop me from finishing this journey, you might dissapoint yourself. I'm in pursuit, taking it all in on the way to the destination. To stop is to fail and failure can't be an option. Not for any of us, not when across the globe, a entire race of people are fighting for the things we take for granted. Tired of being given limits, when to live is limitless. People willing to die for a shot at owning their tomorrows. This is our generation, on the other side of the fence. The least we can do, is strive to do the same. Circumstances aren't as extreme, and we've been handed better means which only implies that we have no excuses. Maybe I'm just rambling, high off life and other drugs listening to music and writing my thoughts as they come. I spend so much time thinking about things I forget to actually go do. That was my resolution this year, to do. To just be what I was put here to be. Amazing. What we were ALL put here to be. For me, the music is only going to get better, I'm only going to get better. I'm only 23. Jordan numbers. Walking this road and sharing the sights the best way I know how.
In short, I'm inspired by all of you, and I hope to return the favor, every day. I'm glad to be here and it's my pleasure to keep going. I hope you feel the same.

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