Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Air Raid...........

I just want to say Thank You, to everyone who has listened to a song, downloaded a mixtape, checked out a video, joined a group, followed me on twitter.com/uptopjdp, lol forreal. Thank you for giving me and my music a chance. I've dedicate my life to expressing my art and sharing it with you guys and I'm just glad you guys have opted to be apart of it. Without your continued support it doesn't mean the same, theirs a million rappers in this world and I'm striving to be the loudest voice in a crowded room. We all are actually, and I hope my music serves as inspiration in some way, shape or form to Live life to the fullest, limitless. Thank you to everyone who downloaded 'Where Anything Goes' I appreciated all the feedback and support for that project even though the finished product was not without flaws. My life is this music and as such I've already crafted the base for my next project 'Air Raid' this, I promise you will be nothing short of amazing. I'm putting alot of work into this project as I want it to mark the transition from where I was, to where I'm going. I turn 22 this year, growing into my own both as a man and an artist. More sure, in my path, my sound, and I'm excited that I'll be able to share it with you guys again. I can't tell you what to expect, just know this mixtape is me, from the I just want to chill and think about life me to the life loving drunk and don't give a fuck me. Its all gonna be there and its all gonna be dope. So stay tuned my people, we got one. Air Raid is coming soon.

Mos Def "Say You Will" cover @ Blue Note

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