Thursday, March 3, 2011

Split Decisions.

Thinking of the past.
Got my ass.
With my head low.
Wishing I could travel back in time.
For one second.
And undo.
All the damage that's ever been done.
Split decisions.
That divided. But never conquered.
I live to bring people together.
Except the ones that wanted to get close.
What if what I've been searching for.
Already came and went.
Spent patience on borrowed time.
Borrow dimes and threw them back in the fountain.
When I could've been sharing pennies.
But. You live.
You learn.
You turn.
You leave.
and I continue on in the breeze.
A few trees.
Guessing that once again, you weren't the one.
At least, not for me.......

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