Monday, June 22, 2009

As the world changes.....

I turn on the tv, and flick to the news and right now all what's going on is incredible. Iran is going through some serious changes right now. Its easy to tell that chance at a democratic election was robbed right from under them and I understand their anger. It's inspiring to watch these people fight for what they believe in and even more inspiring to know that this marks a shift in the thoughts of the middle east question. Because as we're seeing Iran now, a difference can be made.

What they won't show you on the news.....

"OK, let me see if I've got this right. Since Barack Obama has taken the presidential oath of office we have witnessed: a) Hezbollah lose a shoo-in election in Lebanon, b) Pakistan begin serious efforts to control the Taliban and al Qaeda elements inside its borders, c) Netanyahu of Israel mumble support about a two state solution and rethink settlements and, d) A major awakening of the Iranian citizenry against the heavy-handedness of the mullahs. What hasn't changed? The simple-minded thuggery of the Right when it comes to foreign policy (and Grover Norquist, someone should gently remind him that it's 2009, not 1989). They have long preferred a modified Teddy Roosevelt approach. Speak loudly and wail away with the biggest stick you can find. I don't know if all this is the results of one speech in Cairo by the President but if it is I hope he gives a second, and soon," - Carl Owen, Politico.

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