Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I dare you to try and cut my wings.......

I spend every waking moment, thinking about music. Making it, and how to make sure as many people get to hear it as possible. I make music for the masses to feel but I appreciate every single person who thinks a line is hot, or feels what I'm saying or puts a glass in the air when the beat drops. So far things are going pretty good, but I know they can get better. For now, I'm excited, my catchphrase lately has been "Loving the future" (word to Chester French) because literally every day I wake up is another reason to look forward to looking forward. I'm nowhere near where I want to be, but I'm opening the door and we all know how hard that part of the process is. I know alot of people don't yet understand me or get what the big deal is and that's cool. That just means I haven't worked hard enough to grab you yet, that stops here. Air Raid is coming too soon. The guys @ URB Magazine decided to bless me with a spot in the NEXT 100 Issue and IM KING and I got something coming. Fate's smiling right now, and while life is still harder than easier it feels like my dreams are in the process of becoming reality. I'm not stopping, I'm to driven for the stop sign, and I'm cursed with wanting everything that's not mine. It's happening for all of us and I'm just happy I get to share these moments with all of you. Love the future, more on the way.

Stay ^.

"I'm still fly, and I dare anybody to try and cut my wings"

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